‘We are in the perfect territory’: this is the secret of a unique and quality raw material, according to Aronne Zarantonello, who has joined the Consortium for the protection of the Anguria Reggiana IGP.
It is a farming family with a long history behind it, Aronne’s, whose passion germinates in the family soil and matures over the years.
But it is not just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, it also requires dedication, perseverance and that extra entrepreneurial idea.
In fact, after the first few years of business, Aronne had a happy intuition: together with his cousin, Claudio Zarantonello (of the farm of the same name, also a member of the Consortium), he decided to specialise in watermelon cultivation. A choice repaid over the years by many satisfactions in the field and by important recognitions of the quality of the watermelons produced on his farm.

Azienda Agricola Zarantonello Aronne
Strada Falasca, 23
Novellara (RE)
Mail: aronne.zara@gmail.com